041 9844055

Plisse Shades

Uniquely decorative – discover a shape to suit your style

Comfortable Conservatories

Make your conservatory comfortable with our Topar® Plus fabric coating which reflects the sun’s heat and harsh light and adds extra insulation. Enjoy lazy summer afternoons and cosy autumn evenings with Plissé Shades.

 Natural light and privacy

 The ultimate in versatility, our Top-Down/Bottom-Up Plissé Shades offer you the ability to operate shades from the top, the bottom up or anywhere in between for the perfect balance of natural light and privacy all in one.

Shape solutions

“Some window shapes can be really challenging to dress but the versatility of Plissé Shades gave me the freedom not just to design the room but to but really bring the window to life.“

Day & Night

Each single shade has two stylish pleated fabrics to allow maximum light control and privacy.

Special window Shapes

Curved large and any shape you can image are perfactly made by Luxaflex.

Skylight blinds

Plisse Shades are particularly suited to cover skylights and conservatories.

Designed with Safety

Making products safer for homes is an integral part of our design philosophy.